First of Advent

With only four Sundays to go before Christmas eve Swedes are getting ready to start the holiday. While Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and Black Friday (which by the way I have seen many ads for here this year as well, for the first time ever, but mostly companies selling on the Internet) people here are getting their outdoor Christmas lights and their Advent stars and candlesticks out. (I will probably post more pictures later on, because it is not really right to have them lit before the day before the first of Advent), although some cheat 🙂 It is dark from about 3.30pm until approx. 8, so it’s understandable…


Another thing about this particular weekend is that in many cities/towns/villages the shops are open and many serve their costumers mulled wine and Swedish gingerbread cookies while they do the Christmas shopping. There are also many small stalls (almost like a small winter fair) with lotteries, mulled wine, home baked etc. quite cozy actually!!

Right now I’m in the middle of my own little bake off…. Trying to get everything done for tomorrow’s scout sales.


Happy first of Advent!!!